Figure out how much cash you'll need each week for your regular, cash-based purchases ( things like lunch at the cafeteria and your daily cup of coffee), head on over to the bank teller's window, and get your walking-around money for the week. 你要算出每个月满足正常生活需要所花的现金数目(像在自助餐厅吃的午饭,你每天要喝的咖啡),接着径直走到银行柜台,取出你这一星期所需要的零花钱。
Set a weekly budget, cash a check for that amount at the bank each week, and live on it. 尝试一下,每周制定一个预算,每周根据预算去银行取一次钱,靠现金生活。
I withdrew some cash at the bank. 我在银行取了一些现金。
Based on rumours regarding the financial strength of ICICI Bank, depositors are withdrawing cash at its ATMs and branches in some locations, the central bank warned. 印度央行警告,基于有关ICICI银行财务状况的传言,一些地方的储户开始在自动取款机(ATM)和该行的网点提取存款。
Cash, cheques drawn by other people, money orders and post orders can be paid into a current account, either at the branch where the account is kept, or at any other branch of any bank. 现金,由别人开出的支票,汇票和邮政汇票均可存人活期帐户中,此活期帐户可以在原开户银行,也可以在任何银行的任何分行。
You can cash it at the bank. 你可以去银行兑现。
Margaret Morris wants to cash some traveller's checks at the local office of the Higashi Bank. 马格丽特·莫里斯想在东银行的地方分行兑现几张旅游支票。
Payments into a deposit account, which can consist of cash, cheques, postal orders and so on, may be made at the branch where the account is maintained or at any other branch of the bank. 客户可以用现金、票、局汇款单等,在开户行或任何其他营业网点,向其存款账户上存款。
Lenovo's strong sales in China give it some breathing space and cash flow to sustain losses in overseas markets, says Randy Zhou, analyst at Bank of China International. 中银国际分析师周诚(RandyZhou)表示,联想在中国的强劲销售,使公司获得了一些喘息空间和现金流,得以支撑在海外市场的亏损。
Eurozone banks have deposited record amounts of cash at the European Central Bank, just days after it provided unprecedented levels of liquidity in an effort to reduce tension in the financial system. 欧元区银行在欧洲央行的存款规模创历史新高,而几天前欧洲央行为缓解金融体系的紧张,刚刚提供了空前规模的流动性。
The cash they have on deposit at the European Central Bank ( ECB) has shot up to € 126 billion ($ 182 billion), about three times as high as its average so far this year. 他们在欧洲央行(ECB)的存款已飙升至1260亿欧元(1820亿美元),是迄今为止年均值的三倍左右。
Cash machines at one bank went down for a couple of hours on Thursday afternoon-prompting speculation that some people may be stocking up on reserves of cash in case the situation deteriorates. 周二下午,一所银行的取款机停止工作了数小时。可以据此推测,人们为了防止情况恶化而增加了手头的现金存量。
We are getting a lot of requests now to help customers move into Hong Kong dollar, said a senior banker working on trade finance and cash management at a large western bank in Moscow. 在莫斯科的一家大型西方银行,一位主管贸易融资和现金管理的资深银行家说:现在我们接到大量请求,帮助客户兑换港元。
The custodian of the fund will cash the replenishment check at the bank and place the cash in the petty cash box. transfer between funds/ reserves 备用金保管人到银行将这张补充支票兑成现金并存放到零用现金箱中。各基金/准备金调剂使用
It promptly put the cash on deposit at Sumitomo Mitsui, helping the bank through the crisis. 东电很快将这笔资金存入在三井住友的账户,帮助后者度过了危机。
DTT had difficulty confirming cash balances at CCME as well, and resigned when management would not allow them to confirm the balances with bank headquarters. 德勤在审计CCME时也在确认银行存款余额上遇到了麻烦,在管理层拒绝德勤直接向银行总部询证之后,德勤辞去了审计师职务。
Cash in hand and at the bank and sundry debtors. 手头现金、银行存款以及各种债务人。
The minuscule cash portion of the bonuses for top performers is a cause for concern at the bank, since many employees rely on the February infusion of cash to pay for apartments in Manhattan and tuition at private schools. 顶尖业绩者奖金中,现金部分所占比例微小,在银行里引发了担忧,因为许多员工都依赖2月份入帐的现金来支付曼哈顿的公寓和私立学校学费。
First, it experienced a cash crunch at the end of June when short-term interbank lending rates soared to double digits, forcing the central bank to make emergency liquidity injections. 首先,中国在6月下旬经历了一场钱荒,短期银行间拆借利率飙升至两位数,迫使央行紧急注入流动性。
We may make payment in cash, that is to say, the employees get their salaries directly at the counter of our bank, or the employees'salaries are transferred to any appointed current savings accounts. 我行可以现金发放,也就是说,由职工直接到银行柜面领取工资,或者职工工资也可以划入指定的活期储蓄账户。
But I can't cash those compliments at a bank. I don't need a date. 但是,我没钱付给你那些赞美,也不需要约会。
The country's bank-settlement system now operates in real time, so all banks know their cash positions at any given moment and the central bank has an overall picture of what is happening. 巴西的银行结算制度目前以实时方式运作,因此所有银行在任何时刻都能掌握自己的现金状况,而央行则掌控各银行实时情况的总图。